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noun: community;

plural noun: communities

2. A group of people living in the same place.

1. A group of people having a characteristic in common.

3. A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

4. A group of interdependent organisms growing or living together in a specified habitat.

What is community? At one level, community is functional, denoting a physical location — a place that defines us and our place in the world. This could be our school, our neighborhood, our city. At another level, community is emotional, denoting a feeling that is a byproduct of the choices we make to affiliate and associate with each other. We make these choices, in turn, based on a wide range of factors, such as ethnicity, sexual orientation, or profession. These kinds of community form our identity and evolve over time. Examples include the Hmong community, the LGBT community, and the educator community.


Community can assume different meanings, depending on context. At Bruce Vento Elementary School, however, there is only one meaning of community, and that meaning is "friend." The evolution of the school environment would not have occurred without the support of dozens of friends. These are the individuals and organizations tethered to Bruce Vento and its people by the fundamental belief that a nurturing environment does positively influence child development and educational outcomes. Collectively, the friends of Bruce Vento contributed their time, talent, and treasure to fully realize one simple goal: help children’s resiliency emerge.


The following organizations’ compassion and generosity made an indelible mark — not simply the physical transformation of the Bruce Vento school facility and grounds but an impact on the children and educators that inhabit it daily; and the families, neighborhood, and broader community that support it.

Supporters and Contributors

Bachmans logo
Room and Board Logo
Cooking Matters Logo
University of Minnesta Extension Logo
Marnita's Table logo
Family Innovations Inc Logo
Extension CYFC logo
Second Harvest Heartland logo
Saint Paul Public Schools logo
Northeast Metro Logo
St. Paul Police logo
University of Minnesota Logo
Urban Roots logo

Strategic Partners

Kylee and Christian Creative logo
Jeanne Berget Photography logo
UMN College of Design Logo

Building Community

Learn about the genesis and evolution of the Bruce Vento and the University of Minnesota Extension CYFC partnership

The Mental Health Services Model Developed at Bruce Vento Has Far-Reaching Impact

(Letter to Judy Myers, University of Minnesota Extension CYFC, November 2017)

Your call to me about Bruce Vento Elementary has created so many opportunities to support and treat (the mental health of) kids and families, and to support so many educators. 


Beyond Vento, this same model is now formally in three other buildings in St Paul Schools, and also in a high needs elementary in Columbia Heights, with modified models in two other districts, with others asking for the same. 


We recently received a call from a homeless shelter in Minneapolis after one of their leaders heard (your former colleague) Sarah Langworthy speak at a conference about the Vento model, and we are now working to apply this model there as well. 


Although many youth and families and educators, along with many Family Innovations staff will not know you personally - you have had impacts beyond what you can imagine.



Ed Frickson

Executive Director

Family Innovations

Want to learn more? What families and staff have to say about the transformation at Bruce Vento Elementary...

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